Introducing our new Action & Activity Log—a dynamic platform where students and staff can stay informed about the latest happenings within their department. This log captures valuable feedback raised during meetings, tracks ongoing activities in departments, and highlights common themes identified through outreach efforts. By sharing this information, we aim to keep everyone in the loop, ensuring transparency and showcasing the actions taken in response to your feedback. Stay engaged, stay informed, and see how your input is making a difference!

Your Academic Officer of 2024/25...

Hiya, I'm Fenella! I am your Academic Officer for this year. This means from admissions to graduation, I represent you in teaching, learning, assessment, and even careers! I also help all the academic reps to feel empowered and supported, help you to bring your issues right to the Vice-Chancellor's table, and ensure you get the most out of your degree!

Feel free to contact me at!

or follow me on my SABB Instagram account 

So you're a Academic rep now... What's next? 

Why not have a look at our Templates Resources , you'll find these really useful to introduce yourself to your cohort or make yourself visible through the Academic year!

Training Resources

You can revisit our Training Resources , to re-cap on all the content that was covered in the training we deliver! This can be a great way to refresh your memory on the training. 

Introducing REPort - Your Bi-weekly Academic Rep Newsletter! 

Stay in the know with all things York Student's Union -related and your vibrant academic representative community! 

What's Inside: Updates on what York Students' Union has been up to,  insights from Fenella, our Academic Officer and Key links for resources and engagement.

Don't miss out on the action - REPort is your ticket to staying informed and engaged! 

Click here to see your latest Report

Contact Us

Phone: 01904 32 3724       
